Expand Your Horizon:
Play Golf Tournaments
There are thousands of golf tournaments played every year. From very informal corporate outings to major professional events. And from the annual club championships to charity fundraisers. There is bound to be a tournament to your liking!

Business Golf
Many beginning golfers get their first tournament experience in a corporate customer appreciation event. Golf has long been a networking tool in the business world and more and more women are making use of it.
The company will take care of all expenses for their guests: green fee, cart fee, lunch or dinner, … If you are an employee, you may be asked to pitch in with setting up or registration, but that’s a small price to pay for a round of golf!
Charity Golf
Charitable organizations make good use of golf tournaments as a fun way to raise money. And what better way to support a good cause than spending the day outdoors with your friends. Keep an eye on your local media and on the bulletin board at your local course to find out when the next event is.
The fee to play in a charity event includes your green and cart fee, as well as a contribution to the cause. Sometimes a meal is included as well.
Rather than straight individual stroke play, corporate and charitable events are usually played in a team format. That way, everybody contributes to the score, even if you’re a newbie to the game. Check out Golf Formats to learn more about team games.
Amateur Golf
If you want to hone your game and your competitive skills, playing amateur tournaments is a good way to get better quickly. You can start at club level and, as you gain confidence and experience, move up to local, regional, state and even national tournaments.
Check with your club secretary or your state Golf Association for a list of tournaments.
Professional Golf
Who knows, in a few years you might have worked your way up through the amateur ranks and find yourself playing the Women’s Open! In the mean time, there are other ways to participate in professional golf tour events.
As a volunteer, you get front row seats to world class golf. Gather up some friends and marshal a hole or make new friends with other volunteers.
For a relatively small fee you’ll receive a uniform (tournament shirt and hat) and tickets for the entire week of the tournament and a meal ticket for the days you are working.
More on Golf Tournaments
Name That Game
Golf tournaments come in many forms, from individual stroke play to fun team games. A quick guide to golf formats.
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